DTLA Studio Headshot Marathon

Meet Erika, Brianna, and Niko. Erika is a comedian /actress, Brianna is a food blogger/ model, and Niko is a photographer/ model! Los Angeles is full of amazing multi-talented people and I love getting to interact and be inspired by them all. Doing headshots in such a creative city is so much fun!

I personally feel like this type of whitewall headshot session is such a good addition to any modelling portfolio. Recruiters love to see you in complete focus without much distraction going on in the background.

For this session, I rented a studio space in Downtown LA using Peerspace! Peerspace is such an awesome tool to have at your disposal if you’re a visual creator. The site (also an app!) features available spaces for rent in whatever area you have chosen, you can set filters to find exactly what you want and it’s so helpful!

The natural light in this space was amazing, and it also came equipped with a large v-flat to help bounce that natural light back into the shot as well. For this session, I hosted the 3 models for a short session each for a headshot update day. The entire rental period was an hour and a half so each model was given around 20 minutes in front of my camera.

I loved the fast paced, consecutive sessions during this Headshot Marathon Day in DTLA and I definitely plan on doing more of these in the future. Subscribe to my emails to be the first on the list to be notified and get first dibs of mini sessions and branding days. Also be sure to check out my socials to keep up with my Los Angeles portrait sessions. For questions regarding booking or model calls, information is provided in the coordinating links below! 😊


Griffith Park Mommy & Me Portraits


Santa Monica Pregnancy Announcement